Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Final Thoughts....

Do you think teens and adults respond to this book differently? What do you think your response says about your generation?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Did You Survive the Hunger Games?

The answers to last week's quiz are:

1) c. Lining up for the first day of school 2) d. purple 3) h. 8,000 4) j. behind the older candidates 5) m. Claudius Templesmith

Congratulations! You have completed the Hunger Games Challenge. Be sure to check out the next title in the series, Catching Fire, now available for reserve. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Nature is a large presence in the book. Is it an ally or an enemy? Are there periods of American history when we have regarded nature as one or the other? Have you seen changes in those attitudes in your own lifetime? Is nature or the animal world as much a part of our lives today?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Play the Hunger Games!

Take the Hunger Games challenge for On the Same Page!

Did you survive last week's challenge? The correct answers were: 1) a. decorating cakes 2) e. sugar berries 3) h. Cato 4) l. nightlock berries 5) o. cherry blossom

Here’s your new challenge:

1) What was Katniss doing the very first time Peeta saw her?
a) Rooting through the rubbish behind his parents’ bakery
b) Standing on a stool and singing
c) Lining up for the first day of school

2) What color robes do the Gamemakers wear?
d) purple
e) gold
f) white

3) Approximately how many people live in District 12?
g) 12,000
h) 8,000
i) 23,000

4) During the reaping, the youngest candidates stand
j) in back of the older candidates
k) in front of the older candidates
l) with their families

5) What is the name of the Hunger Games announcer?
m) Claudius Templesmith
n) Caesar Flickerman
o) Delly Cartwright

Visit next week for the posted answers.
Bring the whole family for Hunger Games Day at the Main Library this Saturday!
Hunger Games Day: Read it, Play it, Survive It!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Portrayal of Adults

The adults in this book seem to be very flawed. Why do you think Collins portrays them this way? Katniss's mother is one of the most important—do you think Katniss is too hard on her? What about other adults Katniss encounters?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Play the Hunger Games!

Take the Hunger Games challenge for On the Same Page!

Did you survive last week's challenge? The correct answers were: 1) c. burn ointment 2) d. uphill 3) h. tracker jackers 4) k. slowly cover your face, remain still for a while, then move gradually away 5) m. an explosion

Here's your new challenge:

1) The bakery skill that helps Peeta survive after he is injured in the games is
a) decorating cakes
b) lifting hundred-pound bags of flour
c) making flatcakes

2) Katniss tricks Peeta into swallowing sleep syrup by telling him she has flavored it with berries she calls
d) sweetberries
e) sugar berries
f) jamberries

3) Who is the last tribute to die in the 74th Hunger Games?
g) Thresh
h) Cato
i) Foxface

4) Katniss and Peeta make their stand at the end of the games with a handful of
j) nightshade berries
k) bloodshade berries
l) nightlock berries

5) The pink and white flowers Peeta picks for Katniss as they head home are
m) the tops of wild onions
n) dogwood
o) cherry blossom

Visit next Friday for the posted answers and a new challenge.
Bring the whole family for Hunger Games Day at the Main Library on Saturday, March 20th from 1-3 p.m.

Hunger Games Day: Read it, Play it, Survive It!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Survival vs. Principles

Katniss feels ashamed when Peeta tells her, “I want to die as myself…I don't want them to change me in there. Turn me into some kind of monster that I'm not.” (p. 141) She had been worrying about survival, not principles. Do Katniss and Peeta become monstrous during the games? How do they reach the point of making their stand at the end of the games, when they stake their survival on a principle?